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Reconstructs the interior of an object from a projection file.


pjrec projection-filename image-filename image-cols image-rows [options...]


Parameter Options
- -filter Selects which filter to apply to each projection. To properly reconstruct an image, this filter should consist of the the absolute value of distance from zero frequency optionally multiplied by a smoothing filter. The optimal filters to use are:
  • abs_bandlimit
  • abs_cosine
  • abs_hamming
  • abs_hanning
- -filter-parameter Sets the alpha level for Hamming window. This parameter adjusts the smoothing of the Hamming filter and can range from 0 to 1. At a setting of 1, the Hamming filter is the same as the bandlimit filter. At a setting of 0.54, the Hamming filter is the same as the Hanning window.
- -filter-method Selects the filtering method. For large numbers of detectors, rfftw is optimal. For smaller numbers of detectors, convolution might be a bit faster.
  • convolution
  • fourier - Uses simple Fourier transform.
  • fourier-table - Optimizes Fourier transform by precalculating trigometric functions.
  • fftw - Uses complex-valued Fourier transform with the fftw library.
  • rfftw - Uses optimized real/half-complex Fourier transform.

- -filter-generation Selects the filter generation. With convolution, direct is the proper method to select. With any of the frequency methods, inverse-fourier is the best method.
  • direct
  • inverse-fourier
- -interpolation Interpolation technique during backprojection. cubic has optimal quality when the data is smooth. Smooth data is obtained by taking many projections and/or using a smoothing filter. In the absence of smooth data, linear gives better results and is many times faster than cubic interpolation.

  • nearest - No interpolation, selects nearest point.
  • linear - Uses fast straight line interpolation.
  • cubic - Uses cubic interpolating polynomial.
- -backprojection Selects the backprojection technique. A setting of idiff is optimal.
  • trig - Use trigometric functions at each image point.
  • table - Use precalculated trigometric tables.
  • diff - Use difference method to iterate within image.
  • idiff - Use integer iteration technique.
- -zeropad Zeropad factor. A setting of 1 is optimal whereas a zeropad of 0 performs no zero padding. Settings greater than 1 perform additional zero padding, but without any significant output difference.