Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
These are simple arithmetic operations. CTSim will display a dialog
box showing all of the currently opened image files that are the
same size as the active image. After the selection of a compatible image,
CTSim will perform the arithmetic operation on the two images and
make a new result image.
Image Size
This command will generate a new image based on the current image. The new
image can be scaled to any size. A dialog
appears asking for the size of the new image. Bilinear interpolation
is used when calculating the new image.
3-D Conversion
This command generates a 3-dimensional view of the current phantom. This view can be
rotated in three dimensions. The left and right arrow control the z-axis
rotation and the up and down arrows control the x-axis rotation. The y-axis
rotation is controlled by the T and Y keys. Other options
are presented on the View menu and include: