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Export an image file to a standard graphics file.


ifexport input-filename output-filename [options...]


- -format
  • png - Portable network graphics format. This is the default output format.
  • png16 - 16-bit PNG format.
  • pgm - Portable graymap format, binary format.
  • pgmasc - ASCII PGM format.
- -center Set center of intensity window.
  • median
  • mode
  • mean
- -auto Set half-width of intensity window as a multiple of the standard deviation.
  • full
  • std0.1
  • std0.5
  • std1
  • std2
  • std3
- -scale Set size of output image. A value of 1 is default and creates an output image the same size as the input image. A value of 2 will double the size of the output image.
- -min Set the minimum intensity value.
- -max Set the maximum intensity value.